Saturday, August 1, 2009

Funny People

Just went to see Funny People. I went by myself. First time I have ever done that (my girlfriend is OT). I enjoyed the movie very much. I've heard mixed reviews (from friends) and I really liked it. It got a little too touchy towards the end. As my friend Jeff just put it via IM and I quote:

why i wasn't all that into knocked up
apatow wants to be sooo "real"
sooo "natural"
i hate how his kids and wife are in it

I don't mind. HIs kids are funny and his wife is hilarious. But the comedy in the film just killed. So good. I'm gonna see it again for sure. Alot of cameos. James Tayor says "fuck Facebook" in the film. Eminem has a 5 minute cameo along with almost every relevant comedian today.

Living in New York is funny. I actually watched the movie with this D-bag you may remember from the film Road Trip.

I call him a d bag because I got to listen to him spew his opinion to his date (?) on the movie all the way down the escalators. He is in film you know so...
Anyways good film imo and I just blogged about it so theres that too.

My every relevant comedian comment was a huge overstatement. It is also a weird coincidence that I saw the movie with the guy form Road Trip and a lot of ppl are upset over the road trip they take in the last quarter of the movie Funny People. Also that guy might not be a D Bag, I didn't really hear everything he was saying.

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